Is Propane Heavier Than Air?

Posted: February 10, 2025

Rand Wade Has the Answers to ALL Your Questions About Propane

propane Lenoir County, NCWe love that our customers are a savvy bunch. They ask smart questions about the products and services we offer—and we are always happy to answer even their more unusual queries. Whether you want to know more about the chemical properties of propane or understand why it’s such a smart alternative fuel, we’ve got answers.

What’s the Difference Between Propane and Natural Gas?

Both fuels can be used similarly for heating energy in homes and businesses, but they have key differences.

  • Propane is a byproduct of natural gas. Because it can be compressed and stored in a liquid state, it’s sometimes referred to as Liquid Petroleum Gas or LPG. It’s a domestically sourced alternative fuel that can provide steady, reliable heat for a broad range of appliances at an affordable price.
  • Natural gas, a naturally formed mixture of other gases, is always gaseous. That’s why natural gas is delivered via utility pipelines. Methane, a large component of natural gas, is a potent greenhouse gas that is 80 times more effective than CO2 at trapping heat in the atmosphere for 20 years after it is released.

Is Propane Heavier Than Air?

Propane is denser than air, which is a mix of several gases. One cubic foot of propane gas weighs approximately 0.1162 lbs., and one cubic foot of air weighs roughly 0.07655 lbs. As a result, propane will settle to the lowest point possible. Natural gas is lighter than air and rises.

Is Propane Green?

Propane is one of the cleanest fuels around. It contains no methane and produces minimal emissions. Propane also doesn’t harm soil or groundwater—an important factor when it comes to determining whether a fuel is “green.”

Is Propane Efficient?

  • Propane generates more Btus than an equivalent amount of electricity and delivers more than twice the Btus of natural gas, so you need much less propane to produce the same amount of heat or energy.
  • Propane appliances are also very efficient, meaning they waste very little fuel in the combustion process. (On the other hand, about two-thirds of the energy used by a power plant to generate and transmit electricity is wasted.)
  • Propane water heaters generate much more hot water at a cheaper cost per gallon. In fact, according to the U.S. Department of Energy, homes that heat water with propane rather than electricity can see average annual savings of $174.

What Can You Use Propane For?

The same technology that makes propane ideal for water heaters makes it a smarter choice than electricity to power all kinds of appliances that use hot water or heat, including:

  • Clothes washers and dryers
  • Dishwashers
  • Outdoor lighting
  • Patio heaters
  • Pool and spa-tub heaters
  • Outdoor grills

It’s also the first choice of professional chefs for cooking because a gas range offers more precise control than you can get with an electric range.

Propane will also power a backup generator that will automatically go on when the power goes down.

Is Propane Reliable?

Because propane is stored in a tank at your home, disruptions to the grid or natural gas lines won’t affect you. And when you work with a dependable dealer like Rand Wade, you can enjoy automatic delivery and tank monitoring service and know that you’ll always have propane in your tank.

Is Propane Safe?

  • Propane is very safe. While it’s a highly flammable gas under certain conditions, leaks are rare.
  • Propane has very low combustibility, which means when it’s combined with air, the source of ignition must be at least 940°—twice as hot as what is required to ignite gasoline.
  • Propane has a distinct rotten-egg smell to help you quickly notice leaking gas.
  • Propane is nontoxic, posing no threat to soil and water, so installing propane tanks (above or below ground) is not regulated by the Environmental Protection Agency.

Is It Hard to Convert to Propane?

Converting a home to propane is a straightforward, easy process that will leave you with lower energy bills and support a cleaner environment. The average conversion takes about two days, with little disruption to your life or comfort.

How Can I Get Propane?

The professionals at Rand Wade have the knowledge, experience, and resources to answer all your questions about the benefits of propane for your home. And we can get you started with the right size propane tank for your needs, reliable propane delivery, and more. Contact us for more information today.